Monday, 13 July 2020

What is fire & fire extinguisher and type of fireextinguisher and uses

                    WHAT IS FIRE AND TYPE OF FIRE EXTINGUISHER            
  Fire Fightening System & Its type

       Fire is a Chemical Reaction Between Fuel and Oxygen(air)at a certain temperature and produced flame,heat,Light, Co2 etc.

Fire triangle

To combine 3 element made fire




Combustion process-

     The process of required supply of fuel and oxygen at a flame zone before ignition Temperature will react by a high speed collision of their molecules to start bombarding chain reaction between each molecule and production of fire is known as combustion.

Three type of combustion-     1)Slow Combustion
                                                2)Rapid Combustion
                                                3)Spontaneous Combustion

Classification of Fire-

     This class of fire consist combustion of solid material like wood,paper,textile etc.

     This type of fire consist flammable liquids solvents,paints,petroleum product etc.

   This type of fire consist of gaseous substance like LPG,Acetylene,ethane,propen etc.

   This type of fire consist reactive chemical and combustible metals etc.

    Fire due to electrical origin.

Development of fire
           When fire is burn radiant heat and flame is heat and flame will move upward and radiantion heat is move sides and downward.

Type of fire extinguisher

Class  A -  Wter type,foam type,DCP type,Wet chemical type fire                           extinguisher used.

Class B – Foam,DCP type,C02 type fire extinguisher used .

Class C – Only DCP type (Dry Chemical Powder) fire extinguisher used.

Class D – DCP type fire extinguisher used

Class E – Electrical equipment DCP type,Co2 Type fire extinguisher used.

Class F – Wet chemical type fire extinguisher used. 


N.B- When fire extinguisher used on a fire Always remember this mothed  ‘PASS’

P- Pull the pin on the fire extinguisher in order to break the seal.

A- Aim the nozzle or hose at the base of fire from the recommended safe distance.

S- Squeeze the operating lever or discharge the fire extinguisher .

S- Sweep the nozzle from side to side while pointed at thr base of the fire until it extinguished.


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