oh god Jesus |
Oh Good Friday 30/03/2018
Good friday when Christians commemorate Jesus Christ's crucifixion. So why is it called Good Friday.
According to the Bible, the son of God was flogged, ordered to carry the cross on which he would be crucified and then put to death. It's difficult to see what is "good" about thats awy known as "GOOD FRIDAY"
Greeting Message of Good Friday
- "The Friday before Easter is the most solemn day for Christians it is the day Jesus Christ died on the cross. Good Friday to all of you"
- "When you face problems in life,
- Don't ask GOD to take them away.Ask Him to show His purpose,Ask ways how to live a day searching his purpose for you"
"Feel good when somebody Miss u.
Feel better when somebody Loves u.
But feel best when somebody never forgets u.
Good Friday"
But feel best when somebody never forgets u.
Good Friday"
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." He brews 13:8. His life still gives us hope, May you live in his unchanging love. May Jesus who was born in a manger be born again in your Heart? Good Friday"
Vêry gråtêful for thê måny blêssîngs thê Lord hås gîvên mê Î lovê you Lord. Happy Good Friday. |
For God so lovêd thê world Thåt hê gåvê hîs only bêgottên son To bê crucîfîêd & pêrîshêd For thê sîns of thê world Ånd såvêd humanity Måy God blêss us åll on this Good Friday |
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Vêry gråtêful for thê måny blêssîngs thê Lord hås gîvên mê Î lovê you Lord. Happy Good Friday |
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